E259 Homework Activity: My Food, My Water

Complete parts 1 and 2, and submit in Canvas.


1. My Food Footprint


A. Calculate your body’s Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR), using:

BMR(man) = 10 * weight(kg) + 6.25 * height(cm) - 5 * age(y) + 5
BMR(woman) = 10 * weight(kg) + 6.25 * height(cm) - 5 * age(y) – 161


Adjust BMR by lifestyle:

Sedentary lifestyle - very little or no exercise at all: BMR x 1.2.

Slightly active lifestyle - light exercise between once and three times per week: BMR x 1.35

Moderately active lifestyle - moderate exercise three to five days per week: BMR x 1.5.

Active lifestyle - intensive/heavy exercise six to seven times per week: BMR x 1.7.

Very active lifestyle - very intensive exercise twice per day: BMR x 1.9.


Total calories/day needed to maintain current body (TCN):



B. Use a calorie tracker to determine your daily calorie intake (total calories consumed, TCC).  I use MyFitnessPal, which is online at https://www.myfitnesspal.com/, which also has a handy cell app that allows scanning of UPC or QR codes (iPhone and Android).  Log everything, including small items like a cookie, beverage, butter/cooking oil, dressing, etc.


Determine your daily difference with total calories needed:

Day of the Week

















2. My Water Footprint


Calculate your personal water footprint using the extended calculator at:


Your individual water footprint is equal to the water required to produce goods and services you consumed. The calculations are based on the water requirements per unit of product as in your country of residence (use USA).



Your Water Footprint is (m3/y):